Let us help others on the path to holiness

Donate One Time
Please consider making a donation to the non profit Children’s Rosary. All donations within the US are tax deductible. Donations allow us to share retreat materials and rosaries with missionaries, families, parishes and schools. Each gift opens the door for the Lord in the lives of people hungry to find purpose in their lives. Our efforts put a strong focus on helping children and young people who are struggling to make sense of their lives in a secularized society. These retreats point them toward the narrow path. If they have a relationship with Christ it can be strengthened and if they do not yet know Our Lord this is the introduction. Without a prayer life and relationship with Our Lord many stand in jeopardy of losing their faith. Thank you for allowing us to reach out to them. May God bless you for your generosity.
Make a Recurring Donation
Your recurring donation ensures a steady support for our efforts. Each month your support continues the work and reach of the work of the Children’s Rosary. This website and the site offer the online journeys free to those who visit them. Recurring donations help us keep those resources available. The Children’s Rosary has no full time employees. Volunteers give of their time. The donations maximize the work of the volunteers by putting materials in their hands to share with families, schools and parishes.
Parish or School
Sponsorship of $500 allows a parish or school within the US or internationally to receive up to 100 Consecration books. Training is also made available to the staff of the parish on how to implement the Consecration journey. The parish will also be able to receive materials to start a Children’s Rosary prayer group in their parish which includes Children’s Rosary prayer books and rosaries.
Sponsor a Consecration Journey throughout a Diocese. This option is available to a diocese where the Bishop agrees to use the Consecration book for himself and invite his diocese to join him. This involves the invitation of parishes, faith formation programs and schools. A Donation of $2,000 dollars allows for a diocese in the US to receive 500 Consecration books, receive training on how to implement a Consecration, 500 Children’s Rosary books are also gifted to help schools, and parishes follow up the Consecration journey with formation of Children’s Rosary prayer Groups. Sponsorship of a Diocese outside the US may require additional funding to cover shipping expenses.
The following Dioceses have received sponsorship: Archdiocese of Hartford Connecticut, Diocese of Bridgeport Connecticut, Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh Scotland, Diocese of Derry Ireland, Diocese of Shendam Nigeria, Diocese of Malaybalay City Philippines.
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully (2 Corinthians 9: 6)

Emily Davis
A monthly Mass is offered for all the members of the Children’s Rosary and all who help the Children’s Rosary on the 25th of each month. We also ask Children’s Rosary prayer groups to pray for those who help the Children’s Rosary. In this way as a supporter you are covered in prayers.